
时间:2021-12-16 18:26:29 教案 我要投稿


Module5 Unit1 Lingling is skipping.   一、教学目标: (一) 知识技能目标: 1. 学习skip, skipping, hide ,hiding, seek, seeking, clap, clapping ,playtime ,sad,no one, hide-and-seek, hurry up等单词和短语。 2.学习重点句型: Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking. What are they doing?  They’re……ing. 3.学习几种简单游戏的英文名称,学习描述别人正在进行的活动. (二)运用能力目标:   1.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,让学生在日常生活中能运用所学语言。   2.对现在进行时所表示的意义有更深入的了解。   3.正确理解,掌握对话内容 (三)素质教育目标: 1.通过学习,对外国小朋友的课间活动有所了解。   2.通过谈论学生课间活动,培养学生团结协作,互相帮助的意识 二、教学重难点: 重点: 能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:   1. Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.   2. Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking.   3. Those girls are playing clapping games.    难点: 1.熟练掌握本单元的单词和词组。 2.能和他人谈论某人正在做某事。What are they doing?  They’re……ing. 三、教学准备: 1.教材相配套的CD-ROM 2.单词卡片及相关图片 3.PPT课件 四、板书设计:  Module 5 unit 1  Lingling is skipping. skip---skipping hide---hiding What are they doing? seek----seeking  They are……...ing. clap---clapping 五、、教学过程: 一. Warming-up:   1. T: Hello! Boys and girls. Before our class, it’s playtime. What is playtime?  It’s our time to play games. You can run, play football, and play games. (Show the word card of playtime and read it then stick it on the blackboard) T: Now let’s do some actions: Show me your fingers! T: Finger! Finger!Finger !Ss: Finger! Finger!Finger! T: Hands! Hands! Hands!  Ss; Hands! Hands! Hands! T: Clap!  Clap!  Clap! Ss: Clap!  Clap!  Clap! T: Clap your hands for one time! Ss: (clap hands for one time)   (本环节设计意图:课前热身,本环节在课前与学生交流,拉近与学生的'距离。) 2. T: Now let’s sing a song “I’m listening to music” and do actions. S: I’m listening to music. I’m reading a book…….. T: Well done! Here I have some pictures you need to guess. (PPT showing some pictures) T: What’s she/he doing? S: She’s/He’s…… T: Now look!This is Lingling. What’s she doing? S… T: Lingling is skipping. (Write the sentence on the blackboard as the title)   ( 本环节设计意图: 通过旧歌曲的演唱和看图回答让学生复习旧知识,并引出新的知识和课题。) 二.Presentation: 1.T:Lingling is skipping. (Show a word card of skip and let students follow, then stick the card on the blackboard.) S:skip s-k-i-p skip T: Lingling is skipping. (S-k-i-p-p-i-n-g skipping) S:S-k-i-p-p-i-n-g skipping. (Show a word card of skipping and let students follow, then stick the card on the blackboard.) 2.T: Who can skip? S: I can. (Find a student to skip)  T: What are you doing? S: I’m skipping. T: What is she doing? Ss: She’s skipping. T invites 2 Ss to skip. Ask the class: what are they doing? Have the Ss answer they are skipping. 3. Explain “they”. T: I I am , he he is ,she she is, they they are.  4. T invites a s to play hide –and-seek, and teach the word.  (show a card of hide-and-seek and read, then spell hide、seek) S: H-i-d-e hide  S-e-e-k seek hide---hiding seek---seeking S: hide---hiding seek---seeking (Stick it on the blackboard) PPT show picture. T: What are they doing? Ss: Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek. T: Who is hiding? And who is seeking? S: Daming is hiding and Sam is seeking. 5. Have ss play hide-and –seek in the class. T: what are they doing? Ss: They’re playing hide-and –seek. 6. T: Do you like clapping games? S: Yes! T: I have a clapping game for you to do. (PPT showing) One, two, three, four. I am opening the door. Five, six, seven, eight. Hurry up! Don’t be late! .S: (following the teacher to play clapping games)   (1st together 2nd group work 3rd desk mates) T: We are playing clapping games. (Show a card of clapping games and read) Game: 幸运大转盘 T: I think you all like clapping games. Are you happy now? But we have a friend is not happy. She is very sad. Do you know why? 7. Let’s listen to a story, and then you can find the answer. Listen carefully! S: Yes! (本环节设计意图:本环节通过图片,卡片,问答和儿歌将重点单词和词组教给学生,没有汉语的解释,学生完全可以跟着老师的教学环节和动作一环扣一环理解大意,而且课文中的重点句型也都被编为拍手儿歌提前输入,为下一步的课文理解和学习做铺垫。) 8. PPT showing the questions. (1)Who is skipping? (2)What are Daming and Sam doing? (3) What are those girls doing? Have Ss answer. Then listen again and repeat. 9.PPT showing. Let’s say. Fangfang, are you _______ ?  Yes, no one is playing with me. Lingling is __________. Daming and Sam are playing ___________. Daming is _______and Sam is _________. Those girls are playing ____________. (本环节设计意图:通过问题引出课文,并强调解决课文中的重难点,反复变换形式读课文。完成本课重要的课文教学任务。) 三. Practice: 1.PPT showing 6 pictures and drills. Have Ss do pairwork.then check it out. A: What are they doing? B: They’re ……ing. (talking, running, playing hide-and –seek, playing clapping, playing football) 2. T: Now it’s our playtime, let’s play. What are they doing? Let’s see. Have some ss play games. Ss :They’re…..ing. (本环节设计意图:本环节主要是对课文知识的复习拓展与应用,让学生知道本模块的课文知识是怎样来利用的,这一环节不是简单的为了对课文进行检测,而是训练学生学以致用的能力。) 四.Homework. Play games with your parents and friends.





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