
Understanding Stream of Consciousnes

时间:2021-12-07 17:04:25 文学艺术论文 我要投稿

Understanding Stream of Consciousness in To the Lighthouse

The paper aims to make the abstract and even profound writing techniques of stream-of-consciousness concrete and easy-under-standing as well as to demonstrate its functions in novel writing with illustration of the famous work To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf who Success-fully employs this writing technique.The writing techniques involved are indirect interior monologue montage.free association and multiple-point-of view.The application of these approaches attributes greatly to better exposing the inner world of the characters and uncovering the motif of the novel.

作 者: 李芬芬   作者单位: 浙江台州广播电视大学  刊 名: 中国校外教育(理论)  英文刊名: CHINA AFTER SCHOOL EDUCATION  年,卷(期): 2008 ""(2)  分类号:   关键词: stream of consciousness   To the Lighthouse   interior monologue   free association   montage   multiple-point-of-view